Learn FROM A leading expert in breathwork & somatic healing, lisa mcnett OF one breath institute
Unlock Your Dream Life in This FREE Workshop!
Uncover what’s holding you back, learn to take bold, inspired action, and design a life you truly love—all while sharing your healing gifts with the world.
founder of one breath institute
Lisa is dedicated to helping individuals heal and integrate adverse experiences, with a strong focus on trauma recovery. Over the past 17+ years, she has worked extensively with diverse groups, including incarcerated individuals, at-risk US Veterans, and clients in high-end residential treatment centers for trauma healing and addiction recovery. Lisa firmly believes that healing trauma creates a ripple effect, resonating across generations and contributing to the collective healing of the world.
I believe we can create a world where adults no longer need to heal from their childhood.
In 2021, Lisa founded One Breath Institute and began training practitioners in Introspective Breathwork® Therapy, a healing modality she co-developed that blends breathwork, somatic work, energetics, conscious connection, and coaching. At One Breath Institute, Lisa and her team have seen great success with the practitioners they train, empowering them to facilitate meaningful transformation for others.
Here's what you'll learn about yourself
dare to dream
Connect deeply with your vision—the dream for what you truly want your life to look and feel like. If you're here, you may KNOW that you have a big purpose and mission in life to help others heal, but your work and life don't exactly match up to what you envision for yourself.
uncover your blocks
Through a guided Introspective Breathwork® Therapy practice, you'll uncover what is standing in your way and learn how to transform it so that you can become aligned with your purpose.
get clear & take action
You don’t have to wait for someday. Learn the exact actions you can take right now to align your life and work with your purpose.
It’s time to close the gap between where you are and where you truly want to be—living the life you dream of and making the impact you’re meant to.
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